
Vegan Beef Bourguignon

Beef bourguignon is possibly one of the most classic French recipes. It’s a very simple beef stew in a rich red wine sauce. You just cannot get more French than that! Funnily, it was often served at school for lunch and I hated it back then. I would only eat the sauce by dipping

Zucchini gratin the vegan way

I’ve never been that much into French cuisine as most of the dishes are a little too rich for my taste but there are, of course, a few exceptions. Gratin is one of them. For some strange reason, I’ve been craving zucchini gratin all weekend and I figured there had

Vegan Cauliflower Samosa

So apparently, 2018 is going to be the year of veganism. And it also looks like it’s going to be the year of cauliflower (I mean, we’ve all watched the Buzzfeed Tasty Vegetarian videos, right?). Either way, yay! Samosas always look good on the table, don’t they? So I made

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